Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Recap of January

I thought I'd do some recaps of each month to share how we are prepaing, primarily, for Christmas next year! I figure doing something slowly throughout the year will avoid that stress at the end of the year! :)

Swagbucks earned me $10 in Amazon giftcards.

Participation in a Hugg.ies mommy community earned me $15 in Amazon giftcards.

A rebate from using our Mastercard during Christmas time earned me a $20 giftcard.

** Purchased 6 bars of Ivory soap (money spent $1.28)
** Purchased 18 mittens, on clearance at Target (money spent $4.50)
** Various kids meal toys collected from buying Little Bit food (free! Was going to buy the meals anyways & I just save up the books or toys every other meal!)

This month, February, I hope to make some pillowcase dresses to add to the shoeboxes & possibly some Valentine clearance items (pencils, erasers, possibly?)

This is also a reminder to be on the look-out for item to add to your shoeboxes. We can provide more gifts for those sweet children if we shop ahead, buy the deals, & plan! Just like in all of the areas of our spending! :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Painting at Library

Our local library (although still a 30 minute drive from our house) has weekly storytime meeting for the little ones. I am attempting getting out of the house more often & these meetings are perfect opportunities for me to let Elias get messy (with crafts & toys) without me having to clean it all up! :)

Unless he has painted at his Puggles/Awanas classes, this is the first time my little guy has painted. I thought he did a pretty good job & we enjoyed the outing.