One Tuesday, New Years Day, we worked on the shed. Since we don't have a garage, I am still considering this my "garage" area. So, week 2 is done! :) Maybe I will post pictures of that later!
Today, I wanted to go through my son's closet. It had become a dumping grounds for stuff when I wanted to do a quick clean up, or go clothes given to us in the next size & I was too lazy to open the storage tubs to place them in, & was just chaotic.
Really, chaotic. See for yourselves...
Basically, to start with, I ran upstairs while the boy was watching a bit of TV. I cleared out EVERYTHING from the closet. I didn't take a picture of this because it's pretty self-explanatory! In fact, I'd even taken some stuff out of the closet before I thought to take the before pictures... so there was even more clothing in the closet when I opened it up! Yikes! While I was clearing everything out, I sorted into basic piles: items I knew were too small or I didn't love, items that didn't belong in the closet, clothing pile, & trash. Then, I went downstairs to be with the boy. This clearing out didn't take but 5 minutes or so. Not too long, but it was a start.
Then, we ate lunch & headed back upstairs together. It was nearing his naptime, so I wanted to work quickly. He was even able to "help" me with some tasks. First, I re-sorted the clothing pile & made sure to grab anything under size 3t or above 4t. Then, with the remaining pile of 3t clothing, I hung them all on the same hangers & just hung them in the closet. (I purchased little green hangers for this closet after our last consignment sale. I bought them from Target & love that his hangers are all matching now. The pants, unfortunately, are all from the stores when the pants were purchased, so even though they aren't green... all of his non-soft pants are hanging in the closet.) When I finished, I thought I wouldn't need the extra hanging rod, but after reviewing some piles of laundry... I added the second rod.
Next, I sorted the 4t clothing pieces into like piles & folded them all after I removed any hangers. I placed them into green baskets/bins. (My mother & I purchased these before E was born. Their uses have evolved into many areas & I love them. Four of them store his toys in a shelf & now the remaining four store clothes in the next size up. I left one empty because I know my mother already has some clothes to fill it up!) They were also labeled using some cardstock & twine.

Then, I threw them on the top shelf! :) Next, I had E help me with his hats; we tried each one on & set aside the ones that are too small. I threw the hats & beanies, along with any gloves, into a small green bucket. At this point, the closet was almost done. I pulled out any shoes that were too small out & then placed shoes in the next size up at the top of the shoe hanger. (I will admit that my son has more shoes than what is shown here; we have a great IKEA shoe cabinet in our entryway that most of our shoes tuck into. Makes it super easy when coming or going!)
Then, I used the tub already in the closet to fill up the stuff that was too small. And found another tub (already cleared out prior to today) & filled it mostly up, too. Since I usually participate in our local consignment semi-annual sales, I threw in any hangers that weren't green... I will use those to hang the shirts I will list to sell at said consignment sales. I gathered up the trash. I added the hamper, overnight luggage, & the extra hangers we had. I also hung his jacket, 4t, for next year in the closet because it was too puffy to throw in the baskets.
Here's a couple of pictures of the finished product:
And the pile of stuff leaving the closet... Two tubs of clothing, two sets of adult-sized hangers, & a bag full of trash!
Hope this helped to inspire you to set a goal of an area, or 14 areas, & knock them out! I would love to hear about any of your projects &, although I'm no expert, I love to encourage others to meet their goals! Speaking of goals, I'm working on my January post of the 10 goals I made. Hopefully I can accomplish all 10 by the end of the month! :)
Have a wonderful Thursday!