A Blogger I follow is nearing the end of her 365-in-a-row blog posts and it has motivated me to do the same for this new year. We have many goals and dreams for this year and it will be nice to have a running diary of sorts. I hope to post a photo every day, too, but that may or may not happen.
Here are some changes our little family experienced this past (2010) year...
** Nick received a promotion in the very beginning of the year. Much more responsibility as a plant and quality control manager.
** Elias turned a year old and has just amazingly developed into a curious, adventurous toddler. So amazing to compare pictures, memories, and journal entries. It is hard to imagine it being the same little person.
** I passed the state board of nursing exam in March, worked as a shift supervisor from June through October at a somewhat local nursing home, then accepted a full time position with a local hospital in the labor and delivery unit in November.
** We bought a house on more land in October. Our mobile home/land is being cared for by renters. There isn't much work in the way of structural repair, only a couple of larger projects and the decorating/organizing/personalizing that comes with any home!
** We lost a dear dog, Irving. He was our shelter rescue and we feel happy to have given him an extra 6.5 years of life to enjoy.
Some goals we have set as a family and I have set as an individual...
** Replacing the flooring upstairs. This will be "Big Project #2" after the A/C unit is paid for. We plan to replace the current carpet with some sort of hardwood flooring. Probably bamboo.
** Finish painting the walls on both levels of the house, set up each area, & declutter-declutter-DECLUTTER! Ensure the house is functional.
** Drink soda only once/week. I would love to cut it out altogether, but realistically... that probably won't happen.
** Get pregnant! We hope to not have to pursue treatment, but will if that is where we are led.
** Restart our contributions for Hubby-Bub's IRA, Squishy's educational fund, & open an IRA account for myself.
** Begin a savings fund for the fencing for the property.
** Planning & some execution of landscaping for the front of the property.
As you can see, most of our goals are related to the house & financial planning! :) As long as I continue to work, my paychecks will go toward house & savings. This way, we continue to live off of one income in case we need to return to a single income family.
We are very excited for the year ahead, but I must admit to being a bit anxious, also. I begin my night shifts this week & am wondering how it will all work out with watching Squishy during the day & being away from him three nights/week. I will definitely be updating throughout... although maybe not as wordy on those days following working all night! :)
Have a wonderful New Year!
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