It's a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, two-story house set on 5.82 acres. Our backyard will include 4100+ acres of protected state forrest. There is a sweet bay window for a breakfast nook & an open floorplan very similar to the floorplans we've dreamed about. We were mesmerized by it back in May, when we first found it & made our first offer on it.

Because we do not feel the need for a formal dining room @ this time, we will use the dining room as Squishy's playroom. I may have a craft corner in there somewhere, too! ;) The breakfast nook will be where our small dining room goes... our current place has limited dining space, so we've used the small table for years to fit perfectly here.
Some of the features we loved...
** Stained concrete flooring. We plan to re-stain it before moving furniture in, but have always wanted stained concrete in our forever home.
** Lots of closet space! Coming from a home that has 3 closets, it will be wonderful to have the storage space in the new house.
** Secluded "neighborhood". It's almost like you can't tell there's other house around!
** Tucked away staircase. You'll see what I mean once I start posting photos!
** A dormer cut-out space for a bench or reading area.
** Jacuzzi tub!
** HUGE master room.
** Area that will be great for guests... the bottom bedroom will be a guest room & the full bathroom downstairs is just steps away. No awkward running to the bathroom for our guests! :)
** More rooms than I have ideas for... yet!
** Squishy will have his OWN playroom! Mom & I have been working on getting all the stuff for it @ Target months ago. I can't believe the deals we got & am so excited about putting it all together!!
** Lots of projects & personalization!! I will post lots about that, too!
As I sit in the midst of what is nearing 100 boxes to move, I can't help but get more & more excited!!
This weekend will consist of cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, getting a carpet cleaner hired, & wiping down walls + taping walls off for the concrete staining that will happen next week. Oh, working, too!! I will be working my regular 3p-11p shift! Probably more packing up this weekend, too! I'm anxious to clear out our stuff from the current place so I have plenty of time to clean this place before handing over keys to the renters!
Hope you will join us as we step through each hurdle & get this place up to our par! :)
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