Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Accomplished Friday:

* Closing of the house
* Cleaning of guest bathroom
* Sweeping
* Carpet cleaning
* Assisted seller to move stuff out

Accomplished Saturday:

* Sweeping & mopping (first time)
* Scrubbing of kitched + bay window area
* Scrubbing of interior side door
* Confirmed seller was leaving

Accompished Sunday:

* Nothing (w/ church & working, it didn't leave much time to do anything)

Accomplished Monday:

* Kitchen cabinets/shelves cleaned out
* Fridge cleaned
* Mopped floor twice. Scrubbed as I went.
* My awesome friend, Ashlee, came over & scrubbed the baseboard + walls & also cleaned the interior of the front door.
* Upstairs windows & flooring vacuumed
* Pantry shelves cleaned & put back up. Pantry cleaned.
* Laundry area dusted (yuck) & mopped.
* Windows cleaned.
* Interior back doors cleaned.

Accomplished Tuesday:

* Another mopping!
* Ashlee came again & scrubbed the remaining baseboard (dining/play room, hallway, & guest room.
* Put contact paper + liners down in kitchen cabinets. (Even put some stuff in them already!)
* Unpacked three or four boxes.
* W/D moved in the house; will be hooked up later.
* Scrubbed the living room area.

It sure seems like we've done so much... and we have, but there is still so much to do. More scrubbing & mopping of the main areas. Some walls need to be primed. Almost all of the walls + baseboards need to be painted. I haven't even started the deep cleaning of the upstairs bathrooms, but want the bottom to be done first! And, obviously, we need to move in! Then, it's final painting, unpacking, & decorating... making it our HOME.

We also need to clean the current home for the renters moving in November 1. That won't be nearly as exhausting! :)

Hoping to head over more Wednesday to keep cleaning & move a couple boxes or so in the van. We will see if it happens or not...

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